The course was designed by Laurence Allamby, a young golf professional who had studied Golf Architecture and Course Design under the world famous course architect Dr. Alister McKenzie. It was shortly after his 19th birthday that Allamby was recommended to a Mr Cross who resided at Shaw hill at that time. Allamby was invited to a meeting with the members of the Cross family, a local solicitor and other wealthy benefactors in the winter of 1923.
It was after this meeting that Allamby was invited to submit a design for an eighteen hole golf course to be laid out on the 100 plus acres of parkland which surrounded Shaw Hill. The design was accepted and after hiring local labour the work commenced in 1924. The course took just over fifteen months to complete and the first rounds of golf were played in the spring of 1925.
The scenic charm of the golf course belies a stern test for every level of golfer. Several strategically placed ponds, a meandering brook, internal out of bounds and hundreds of trees await any errant shots.
With heavily bunkered greens, frequent dog-legs, long par threes and awkwardly placed ponds, good course management is a must. Yet the curious nature of the course rewards long hitting on the par fives in particular and accuracy on the shorter par fours and threes.
We want all our visitors and members to enjoy their round of golf when playing at Shaw Hill and to help us achieve this we have a strict dress code that must be adhered to at all times whilst on the course.
Men's shirts must have a collar and sleeves. No sports shirts.
Tailored shorts or long trousers. No sports shorts. Long or short (white) sports socks to be worn with shorts (above the ankle).
Golf shoes with soft spikes must be worn. No trainers, boots or spikeless shoes.
A proper golf bag with at least five clubs must be taken onto the course. No single or loose clubs.
Each player must be aware of the dress code and carry a proper golf bag with a minimum of five clubs. No sharing of clubs is permitted.
Changing rooms are provided. Please use them to change.
Every player must pay a Green Fee or your hotel package includes a Green Fee before playing. Package Green Fees are not transferable or refundable.
Non-players (adults or children) are NOT permitted to walk the course at any time under any circumstances, unless agreed by a member of golf staff prior.
The management reserve the right to pair-up matches when necessary.
A maximum of four players is permitted in each match.
No dogs are allowed on the course or putting green.
Golf must be played at the times stipulated by the Hotel, however, we do endeavour to book your tee –times as close to those you have requested. Should you golf break fall in the winter months (Oct – Apr), please be aware that, as with many golf courses at that time of year, you may be playing off fairway mats, winter greens and a trolley ban may be in place to help protect the course.
Golf Breaks At Shaw Hill Golf & Spa Hotel
Play in the opens at Shaw Hill